Once the molecule file is fully loaded, the image at right will become live. At that time the "activate 3-D" icon

will disappear.
geometry optimizations for the three
highest levels of theory are shown below for phenol. The levels of
theory used were 621G, 631G, and DZV. The buttons below display the bond
lengths and the bond angles for each level of theory respectively.
Table 1: This table displays the bond lengths for phenol taken from the literature
Bond Type
Bond Length in Angstroms
C-H othro
C-H meta
C-H para
The two buttons above display the bond lengths and angles for the 621G optimization.
The two buttons above display the bond lengths and angles for the 631G optimization.
The two buttons above displays the bonds lengths and
angles for the DZV optimization. The values calculated from the DZV
theory was determined to be the best optimization for the bond lengths
and angles.
The overall percent error in the total bond lengths was 5.74%.
This displays the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital
found at orbital 25. The orbitals were calculated by adding all of
electrons in the molecule and dividing it by two.
This displays the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital
found at orbital 26. The electrons will transition to this orbital when
excited with enough energy.
This button displays the electrostatic potential. The
electron cloud ranges in color from red to blue. Red being areas of
high electrostatic potential and blue being areas of low
electrostatic potential. Since the oxygen atom (hydroxyl group) is more
electronegative, thus pulling the electrons closer to it (Red area).
The partial atomic charge on each atom is shown in
this diagram. They are created by the asymmetric distribution of
electrons in a chemical bond. The sum of these charges equal to zero.
The vibrational frequencies were calculated using the
highest level of theory, DZV. The IR-spectrum for Phenol is displayed below retrieved from the NIST website
C-H bend
C=C stretch
C-H stretch
O-H stretch
The buttons above display the vibrations calculated
from the highest level of theory. All values calculated using DZV were
overestimates giving large percent errors of 6.53%, 0.087% (this was a
very good estimate), 9.68%, and 11.96% respectively.
UV-Vis spectra values were calculated with the highest level of geometry optimization theory.
Table 3: This table contains values of constants taken from NIST used for UV-Vis calculations below
Value of Constant
Planck's Constant (h)
6.62606957x10^-34 Js
Speed of Light (C)
2.99792x10^8 m/s
Energy = Planck's constant x speed of light / wavelength
Wavelength = Planck's constant x speed of light / Energy
Table 4: This table displays the oscillator strength and wavelengths for phenol.
Oscillator Strength (unitless)
Wavelength in nanometers (nm)
ground to 1st = 0.046723
ground to 3rd = 1.311125
ground to 4th = 1.106149
1st to 15th = 0.000002
The dipole moments of phenol were calculated with all levels of theory and compared to the literature values.
Table 5: This table displays the dipole moment of phenol taken from the literature
Dipole moment value from literature
1.40 +/- 0.03
Table 6: This table displays the dipole moments of all levels of theory for phenol.
Level of Geometry Optimization Theory
Dipole moment value
The best optimization for the dipole moment of phenol
was calculated from 621G giving a percent error of 17.5%.
Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
Using directory /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
adding JmolPopIn.js
...adding Bond_Length_621G_Phenol.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
file:/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Lab 2 QM Calculations /Phenol_621G_opt.log
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/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page/Phenol_621G_opt.log.gz
/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page/Phenol_621G_opt.log.gz
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copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
file:/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Lab 2 QM Calculations /Phenol_631G_opt.log
...compressing large data file to
/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page/Phenol_631G_opt.log.gz
/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page/Phenol_631G_opt.log.gz
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...adding Bond_Length_DZV_Phenol.png
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...compressing large data file to
/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page/Phenol_DZV_opt.log.gz
/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page/Phenol_DZV_opt.log.gz
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...adding Bond_Angles_621G_Phenol.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
...adding Bond_Angles_621G_Phenol.spt
...adding Bond_Angles_631G_Phenol.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
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copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
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...adding HOMO_Phenol.png
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...adding HOMO_Phenol.spt
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...adding LUMO_Phenol.spt
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copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
...adding Electrostatic_Potential.spt
...adding Partial_Atomic_Charge_Phenol.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
...adding Partial_Atomic_Charge_Phenol.spt
...adding 958_79_cm_-1_C-H_bend.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
file:/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Lab 2 QM Calculations /Phenol_Vib_DZV.log
...compressing large data file to
/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page/Phenol_Vib_DZV.log.gz
/Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page/Phenol_Vib_DZV.log.gz
...adding 958_79_cm_-1_C-H_bend.spt
...adding 1621_42_cm_-1_C_C_aromatic_stretch.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
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...adding 3400_cm_-1_C-H_aromatic_stretch.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
...adding 3400_cm_-1_C-H_aromatic_stretch.spt
...adding 4086_64_cm_-1_O-H_stetch.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Volumes/ZAC'S DRIVE/Spring 2015/Pchem Website Ryan and Larry/Phenol page
...adding 4086_64_cm_-1_O-H_stetch.spt